Davida Solwren (psychotherapist)

Above is an image of the newly refreshed website's Home page (top half)

The Client: Davida Solwren has been a psychotherapist in Northern California for over 24 years. A few years ago, she took on the rigorous training involved to become an Analytical Candidate of the C.G. Jung Institute in San Francisco.
Davida loves the imagery of galaxy constellations; she feels it represents Transformation. These images were on her old site, and we kept them but used them in different ways on her new site.
What Happened: Davida Solwren had been wanting to update the content of her website for quite awhile, ever since she started her journey as an advanced Analytical Candidate at the Jung Institute. She had been a Care Plan maintenance client of mine for about a year and decided to take the plunge to update her website's appearance and content. The appearance is done, and she is slowly working on writing new content for current and new pages. Plus Davida's website was starting to look dated and needed to be updated to keep up with current trends and technological advancements.
Tech Side: I built the new site using the Beaver Builder theme. Davida is a big proponent of having her clients read books she recommends to help them on their healing journey, so there is a page devoted to her recommendations.
This client keeps a KMS Care Plan in place, which allows her peace of mind not worrying about backups, updates, monthly minutes towards making changes, and much more.